Skip to contents

Queries the appropriate collections/ endpoint depending on the arguments passed to it.


browse_collections(collID = NULL, prodID = NULL, authenticated = TRUE)



Collection ID


Product ID


whether to send authenticated API requests (defaults to TRUE)


A list with information about collection(s) and the number of products available


browse_collections(authenticated = FALSE)
#> [1] "Found  28658614  products."
#> $links
#> $links[[1]]
#> $links[[1]]$type
#> [1] "Link"
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#> [1] ""
#> $links[[1]]$mediaType
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#> $links[[1]]$datasetTitle
#> [1] "Cloud Mask - MSG - Indian Ocean"
#> $links[[1]]$rel
#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 252833
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0082"
#> $links[[2]]$datasetTitle
#> [1] "MVIRI Level 1.5 Climate Data Record Release 1 - MFG - 63 degree"
#> $links[[2]]$rel
#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 147421
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#> [1] "Poseidon-4 Altimetry Level 1B Low Resolution (baseline version F06) - Sentinel-6 - Reprocessed"
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#> [1] "Climate-quality Advanced Microwave Radiometer Level 2 Products (baseline version F06) - Sentinel-6 - Reprocessed"
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0274"
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#> [1] "RINEX Auxiliary Data - Sentinel-6"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] "Poseidon-4 Altimetry Level 2P Low Resolution - Sentinel-6"
#> $links[[7]]$rel
#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 11807
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#> [1] ""
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0584"
#> $links[[8]]$datasetTitle
#> [1] "SRAL Level 1B (version BC004) - Sentinel-3 - Reprocessed"
#> $links[[8]]$rel
#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 57065
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0412"
#> $links[[9]]$datasetTitle
#> [1] "SLSTR Level 2 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) - Sentinel-3"
#> $links[[9]]$rel
#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 67967
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#> [1] "Rapid Scan High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MSG"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 1508404
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#> [1] ""
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#> $links[[11]]$datasetTitle
#> [1] "HIRS Level 1B - Metop - Global"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 134987
#> $links[[12]]
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0836"
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#> [1] "SRAL Level 1A Unpacked L0 Complex Echoes (version BC005) - Sentinel-3 - Reprocessed"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 121802
#> $links[[14]]
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#> [1] ""
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#> [1] "ASCAT Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop - Global"
#> $links[[14]]$rel
#> [1] "collection/details"
#> $links[[14]]$numberOfProducts
#> [1] 123159
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#> [1] ""
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0394"
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#> [1] "Land Surface Temperature with Directional Effects - MSG"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 19221
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0882"
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#> [1] "MVIRI Level 1.5 Climate Data Record Release 2 - MFG - 63 degree"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 143264
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#> [1] ""
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0862"
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#> [1] "AVHRR Fundamental Data Record - Release 1 - Multimission"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 752690
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0081"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0239"
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#> [1] "Poseidon-4 Altimetry Level 2 Low Resolution (baseline version F06) - Sentinel-6 - Reprocessed"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] "ASCAT Level 1 SZF Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 37304
#> $links[[21]]
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0405"
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#> [1] "Atmospheric Motion Vectors Climate Data Record Release 2 - MFG and MSG - 0 degree"
#> $links[[21]]$rel
#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 437627
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0410"
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#> [1] "OLCI Level 1B Reduced Resolution - Sentinel-3"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 35613
#> $links[[24]]
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0413"
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#> [1] "SRAL Level 1A Unpacked L0 Complex echos - Sentinel-3"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 24168
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#> [1] "SRAL Level 2 Altimetry Global - Sentinel-3"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 34597
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0416"
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#> [1] "SLSTR Level 2 Aerosol Optical Depth - Sentinel-3"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 685561
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0617"
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#> [1] "Optimal Cloud Analysis Climate Data Record Release 1 - MSG - 0 degree"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 542908
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#> [1] "GSA Level 2 Climate Data Record Release 2 - MFG - 57 degree"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 378
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0851"
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#> [1] "Poseidon-4 Altimetry Level 1B High Resolution - Sentinel-6"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 15538
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#> [1] "Climate-quality Advanced Microwave Radiometer Level 2 Products - Sentinel-6"
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#> [1] 51117
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#> [1] ""
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0835"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 119939
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0398"
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#> [1] "Fire Risk Map - Released Energy Based - MSG"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 1003
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#> $links[[36]]$type
#> [1] "Link"
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#> [1] ""
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0880"
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#> [1] "HIRS Level 1C Fundamental Data Record Release 1 - Multimission - Global"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] "Global L3C AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) - Metop"
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#> [1] 5466
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#> [1] "Cloud Mask - MSG - 0 degree"
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#> [1] "GSA Level 2 Climate Data Record Release 2 - MFG - 63 degree"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 324
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#> [1] "EO:EUM:DAT:0408"
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#> [1] "OLCI Level 2 Ocean Colour Reduced Resolution - Sentinel-3"
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#> [1] "collection/details"
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#> [1] 32285
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#> [1] "OLCI Level 1B Full Resolution - Sentinel-3"
#> $links[[44]]$rel
#> [1] "collection/details"
#> $links[[44]]$numberOfProducts
#> [1] 559686
#> $links[[45]]
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#> [1] "Link"
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#> [1] "High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MSG - 0 degree"
#> $collection$properties$abstract
#> [1] "Rectified (level 1.5) Meteosat SEVIRI image data. The data is transmitted as High Rate transmissions in 12 spectral channels. Level 1.5 image data corresponds to the geolocated and radiometrically pre-processed image data, ready for further processing, e.g. the extraction of meteorological products. Any spacecraft specific effects have been removed, and in particular, linearisation and equalisation of the image radiometry has been performed for all SEVIRI channels. The on-board blackbody data has been processed. Both radiometric and geometric quality control information is included.\r\nImages are made available with different timeliness according to their latency: quarter-hourly images if latency is more than 3 hours and hourly images if latency is less than 3 hours (for a total of 87 images per day).\r\nTo enhance the perception for areas which are on the night side of the Earth a different mapping with increased contrast is applied for IR3.9 product. The greyscale mapping is based on the EBBT which allows to map the ranges 200 K to 300 K for the night and 250 K to 330 K for the day."
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#> [1] "2004-01-19/"
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